Support – HBM Apps – How to activate Premium License


Our apps follow Microsoft’s guidelines for providing apps for modern pages

Two approaches:

  • Key-One-by-One: Put the key in each webpart
  • Key-Centrally-Provided: place the key in one place for the all webparts in your tenant



Copy paste the key on last page of webpart properties if there is a licence key field


Open App-Catalog

Admin-Center -> SharePoint Admin-Center -> More Features -> Apps

Create to App-Catalog (if you do not have an App-Catalog)

To be able to use our apps, you need to create an app catalog in Microsoft 365 SharePoint

Use the instructions from Microsoft for this

Once the app catalog has been set up, add our app files (* .sppkg) to the “Apps for SharePoint” list or upload them. Alternatively, you can get the apps from App Source.

Store your key in SiteAssets

  1. In modern App-Catalog click on “go to classic experience” 
  2. Navigate to “SiteContents”
  3. Open Websiteobjects
  4. Create a folder “hbmApps”
  5. Save your license file inside that folder.