Our apps follow Microsoft’s guidelines for providing apps for modern pages
Two approaches:
- Key-One-by-One: Put the key in each webpart
- Key-Centrally-Provided: place the key in one place for the all webparts in your tenant
Our apps follow Microsoft’s guidelines for providing apps for modern pages
Two approaches:
Copy paste the key on last page of webpart properties if there is a licence key field
Admin-Center -> SharePoint Admin-Center -> More Features -> Apps
To be able to use our apps, you need to create an app catalog in Microsoft 365 SharePoint
Use the instructions from Microsoft for this https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/sharepoint/use-app-catalog
Once the app catalog has been set up, add our app files (* .sppkg) to the “Apps for SharePoint” list or upload them. Alternatively, you can get the apps from App Source.